Sunday, February 7, 2010

Do rats really make good pets?

I've been considering getting a rat for awhile now but I'm still a bit unsure. I've read up on them, but I'd like to know what other people have experienced with rats as pets.Do rats really make good pets?
I think rats are awesome pets.

For small animals they are quite outgoing, affectionate, and playful.

I definately recommend getting at least two.

Males are usually more laid back than the females and more up for a cuddle.

Females are great fun because they love to run and play- so it depends on what you want from your pet.

I recommend having at least a pair of males or three females.

If you do choose females, it is a good idea to have them spayed when they are young- most female rats (90%) will develop cancers in the future (mostly mammary tumors) but spaying your rat will reduce the risk of developing these cancers to only 10%

Males can also be neutered to reduce aggression with other males, and so that they can cohabit with females.

Rats are great fun to have as pets, and I recommend them to anyone- they are loads more interactive than any other small animal, they generally dont bite, smell less than mice (and not much at all if you clean the cage regularly) and are playful and good for kids.

I have kept both males and females- I love both sexes even though they are totally different. I prefer females because they are more playful and because they are easier to introduce to each other, but I wouldnt get any more unless I desexed them first.Do rats really make good pets?
My friend has 3 of them. He also has 5 birds, a snake, 2 dogs, a cat, 5 frogs, a turtle, fish and plants. He takes care of all of them, but consistently says his rats are his favorite. I've also held them. They're much cleaner than mice, which is something a lot of people don't believe. They do have some health issues, such as weaker hearts than a lot of animals, but as long as you keep them healthy and feed them a good diet all will be fine. They also have a very sweet temperament and are usually happy to sit on your shoulder or clean your hair. One thing I have also seen is a rat go back to its cage after getting under a couch, so there isn't much in the way of chasing like with other animals, such as mice. You do have to clean their cage just like with any other animal. Also, they do like to horde things, so if you have a place like a little house or hide hole for them break up some Kleenex and give them a toilet paper role and they'll be happy for awhile.
I LOVE rats,theyre the best rodent,alot of people wont even give them a chance,but really its their loss,theyre amazing animals who amuse their owner as much as they attach themselves,just a few mins ago,my rat was taking a piece of crumpled paper and moving it,and pushing my I-pod case out of its place cause she doesnt think it belongs there (thats something we argue about constantly) they really are awesome pets ^_^ I think that if people gave them an honest chance they would be the most popular pet in America,theyre like pocket sized dogs :)
i think they do.i used to have 2 male fancy rats and they are the cleaner kind of rat you can but at petco. they were sweet little things but you do have to give them attention lol. the only thing i did not like was that they would squeak loud at night when i would try to sleep cause they are nocturnal animals and they love to play at night.
Rats are the best pet. They are sooo smart, and actually really clean if you get a fancy rat. Boys like to mark there terrotory though, so if your worried about that then just get girls. Girls are more playfull and boys are more cuddley. Rats are sooo sweet too, and there the least likely rodent to bite you. They can even learn there name!!! Also they love to go up on shoulders and play with you!!! You should definitley get a rat, but probably 2 or 3, the more the merrier!!!!
ya rats are great pets i was scared the first time i got mine but after a day i loved him he has never bit me before but my sister got a rat and she loved the idea and loved the rat but lost interest after two weeks she didn't realize that you have to take them out a lot and clean there cages like every week so now i am stuck with her rat but we are finding a good home for it and i am keeping my rat and i love it!!!
It depends what kind of person you are.

Sometimes you need to make time for cleaning (they can smell bad)

You will need money for cages, food, ect

Overall yes they make fun pets for the whole family

although i did lose mine once....but still!
Rats are wonderful pets, they're intelligent and can become very tame indeed. Their short lifespan can be heartbreaking, though, so keep that in mind.
I used to have a rat as a pet, they're perfectly fine... not much different from a hamster.
They make fantastic pets. You can also train them to do tricks. Also check out the movie ';BEN';, it's kinda old.
my mom thinks they are nasty but i think they are adorable!!!

idk if they make good pets but i would want one
my mom loves rats and i do too. get one
Don't think so, they stink. Sorry if you like them!

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