Friday, February 12, 2010

Does anyone have any homemade rat treats i could give my two male rats ?

I want a recipe i could make to give my two male rats.

Either it be a treat or anything

Any ideas would help thanks Does anyone have any homemade rat treats i could give my two male rats ?
I used to feed my rats home cooked meals.

Basically I used to buy all the prepackaged stuff and mix it together- I would mix a packet of microwave rice, a little microwave pack of veggies, and a small tin of tuna or salmon.

It would be much cheaper to make this in bulk and freeze it, though.

My rats absolutely loved it!

I also used to give them small amounts of left overs from dinner- my boy Fagin particularly loved chicken and lamb bones- he squealed with delight when these were offered as treats and he would clean the bones of all the meat very quickly.

When the weather was hot I liked to freeze yoghurt, fruit, and juice in ice cube trays to offer my pets a cool treat. Remember that males shouldnt have citrus fruits though. My guys loved grapes, watermelon, and banana.

You can also make some fun toys for your rat to play in.

I recommend the site

for information on pet rats, awesome rat pics, and some great ideas on rat care, treats and toys.

Does anyone have any homemade rat treats i could give my two male rats ?
Suebee's is a great staple for your rats that you can make at home (see sources).

The same site also has a recipe for peanut butter banana oatmeal cookies. I haven't tried this with my rats yet, but I've heard they love it.

And like someone else said, most anything you can eat, they can eat. Just try not to go too overboard and don't give them fatty foods on a regular basis. Try experimenting with different foods and treats to see what they like and what they don't.
My rats love different types of snacks. I also use the snack as an enrichment toy in a way. In the hot summertime, I take a new at litter box that I have modified by cutting one end down enough to still hold stuff in but let them see in. I fill it with some clean river rocks and then water. The snacks are hidden in amongst the rocks. I toss in frozen lima beans or peas. They get to play in the water a bit and hunt for the peas/lima's. They perch up on the rocks and eat them. I've added small carrots bites too. I also have grown grass in a litter box and they go in a dig in the dirt and munch on the grass. My rats love these things.
Actually, males should NOT have citric fruit.鈥?/a>

:) Good luck
anything you eat they eat.

a piece of your sandwich. A bite from each piece of food on your plate after dinner.

Ceral,all fruits.

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