Friday, February 12, 2010

Do rats make good or even Very good pets?

Do rats make good pets?

My hamster died recently.

I have had 5 hamsters and a rabbit I took great care of them.

I wanted a guinea pig but people started to say that Rats make much better pets.

Is This true?

Do rats bite alot?

How muchy would they cost to keep monthly(on average)?

Do they really sit on your shoulder?

Thanks Much!Do rats make good or even Very good pets?
Rats are much nicer than guinea pigs. They're smarter (or at least seem like it), and friendlier. When your rats see you, they'll run to the front of the cage and beg to be let out so they can play with you. Guinea pigs just...sit there. I mean Guineas are cute and all, but if you want a funny pet, a pet that will do things, rats are better.

Rats can be trained to use a litter pan and they DO NOT stink. They only stink if you don't clean out the cage. I have two males and I change their litter pan every other day and their bedding (fleece) once a week. Next to no smell.

Some males are territorial, but not all are. If you get two males at the same time, there won't be any fighting. Males tend to fight just for the fun of it sometimes, but it normally never ends in bloodshed. lol! It's just something they do. I prefer male rats to females because males are more settled. Females want to run around and investigate EVERYTHING. Males are happier to sit on your shoulder while you watch tv. They're still plenty active though!

Rats don't bite unless they haven't been socialized at all or if they're startled or hurt. (Don't touch a sleeping rat. You can startle them and they'll bite out of defense.)

You should feed your rats a good quality rat food. Seed mixes are crappy. A good rat food is Oxbow Regal Rat. You can find it at Petland, Petco, Petsmart...places like that. You should also feed them fresh fruits and veggies.

They don't cost too much a month. You just need a constant supply of food and treats. (The treats can actually be table scraps though, you don't *need* to buy special rat treats. ...The human food tends to be healthier than those sugar ridden treats at the pet store, actually. XD) I'd say rats are about $7 a month. If even that.

And obviously, they need a cage that is much larger than a hamsters. The minimum size for a rat cage is 24 inches tall, 24 long, and 12 wide. (Bigger is definitely easier to take care of. You don't have to clean as often, and the rats will be happier with the extra room.)Do rats make good or even Very good pets?
Rats are very social creatures, theyre hell of alot cleaner then guinea pigs, and although they require a big cage they are almost odorless. You can keep them in your room and they wont bother you, they love to live in family rooms and watch everything.

They cost about the same as your hamsters did, and they dont bite often, if at all. They only bite if they are unually agressive, wich can usually be treated.

And some are too adventurous to sit on your shoulder, theyll try to jump off, but many love to sit on you and watch the world go by!

Males are usually the more lazy type, who love to sit and cuddle with you whereas females like to play and explore, although all rats are different.

Some females are very lazy, and some males very playful!
Rats are amazing pets. They're very friendly, once they get used to you, and you can train them to sit on your shoulder. They don't bite unless you hurt them and they are very smart. Don't get guinea pigs, they're stupid and hard to hold, rats are much more friendly and they're very sweet.

They love attention and they can even be trained to only relieve themselves in one corner of the cage.

Just make sure you get a non-wood bedding, get a paper bedding, as they're known to have respiratory problems. The males are kind of aggresive if they live together, but if you want more than one and you don't want them to breed, go with two or more females.
Guinea pigs never bite. rats can bite occasionally, if not trained. if you get a rat, get an older, more trained one from a breeder, not the store.

Rats smell REALLY bad. they make the whole house smell, including your hands when you touch them. guinea pigs don't smell as bad, but all rodents have odors.

rats are cheap and don't cost a lot. neither do guineas.

rats can be better pets sometimes, and can sit or your shoulder, but guinea pigs do the same as rats, just not as frisky and do not bite (it's VERY rare to see them bite.) or smell.

I encourage you to get a guinea pig.

They are so lovable!

They are affectionate and intelligent.

They can learn tricks.

Some people think they smell but they really dont!

I own 2!

These are sort of my first rats,

(bought a rat and then 2 weeks later it died :( I was very sad)

But i got new ones and i have had these rats for over a month and i love them!

Dont know how i lived with out them!

They each have there own personallties. Its really cool.

Also they have different tastes (well mine do. there a bit spoiled)

Ya im not a big fan of the tail but you get used to it.

I wanted a pet that wouldnt bite me

(bad expericence with a bunny, lets just say we sold it and i was left with a bloody eye :( Im all better :) )

They pracically never bite.

Sorry i keep going on but i love rats and i want the world to see how nice and sweet they are, not some sewer rats :(

They are very playful, and love when your around.

Im teaching mine right now how to beg, then im going to litter box train them, (well im trying)

There is a lot to them, more than people see.

And you only can see it if you or your friend has one and you hold it and play with it.

(you might think there gross, but wait itll you meet them.)

Keep an open mind.
I have 3 rats, caging can be kind of expensive since they need around 2 square feet per rat, and they must be wire cages. Aquariums don't provide enough ventilation. Cost per month for me is around $20 I think, but I do use fleece for a cage floor which gets expensive. Aspen and paper beddings are cheaper, but messier, so I use fleece.

I've never been bitten by any of my rats, besides a little nip when I smell like my cat that they don't like. I think the costs are worth it though, rats are very good pets, and they do sit on your shoulder. Do research before getting them though, it's easy to make mistakes. I recommend joining, there's a lot of good information there.
i have a female rat and she makes an awesome pet. they dont bite as long as you handle them daily so that they are used to it. they dont cost much monthly. i buy a bag a food and it lasts more than 3 weeks. also they like dried fruits.. (mine loves banana chips) and the bedding i use costs 5 dollars and it also lasts a little over 3 weeks. its called carefresh. its much better 4 them than pine bedding or ceder bedding. and as the sitting on the shoulder i wouldnt know the answer to that because ive never actually had hersit up there. my mother on the other hand has a rat as well and hers likes to hang out on her shoulder
Rats are great pets!!

They rarely bite, only out of fear, if they think u'r food, or if they are mad at u (which shouldnt happen), also out of affection.

To keep them u need a cage, bed, food, water, toys, treats, etc. People will tell u if u get a good cage it will cost 200 dollars, but no thats a lie. u can get one for 30 here...…

I have that cage and its big, fun, and awesome. for everything i spent porbly 80 dollars, or close to that.

Yeah they do. I have one who doesnt trust me quite yet (i've only had my girls for 3 days) and she loves getting on my shoulder so she can see whats going on.


-dont get food with corn or alfalfa (or a very minumum corn)

-Get a hammock

-research rats, they take lots of time and effort.

-it takes time for them to trust people

-dont get an aquarium or plastic cage, they cause respiratory diseases

-get 2 rats

-get females if u like fun, playful, hyper rats

-get males if u like stinky, cuddly, lazy rats

-get rats from breeder, rescue, or humane society, pet store rats tend to be sick and not as friendly

good luck! :)

go to
Rats make great pets! they are funny to watch and you can train them too!

Ive has thousands and thousands of rats and none have ever bite me. they don't cost much but your gonna need a big cage and all the enrichment's to keep them happy. I bought 4 more baby rats and they cost me £60! but i had to get new stuff to get for the cage like a big house, climbing tools etc. Monthly they don't really cost much a big bag of food and some treats is ok for monthly. But like me my rats chew their house! so i keep having to buy new ones. Ironic though because they have gnawing stuff around but they chew their house and not the gnawing stuff.

they do sit on your shoulder but give them time to know you and the environment round them first. when u first get them they will be scared give them about a week to settle in and them they should be fine with you and their home.

good luck i hope i helped you dude.
1. it all depends on how their raised and how much you know about them, when they are social,in well care, thent hey'd make excellent pet's!

2. that's true is some case's rat's tend to be more social but do smell more.

3.they only bite when they feel threatened.

4. for the first month 300.00+, for food and bedding after that about 20.00+.

5. when they have become social yes.

bedding: never use pine bedding only kiln dried pine, and never use ceder it also causes respiratory health issues, to me aspen is the best with odor and doesn't interfere with health issues nor does care fresh but it's not the best with odor.

cage: NEVER anything plastic, it's toxic,and hard to clean. this cage would be suitable:…

they sell it in pet store's i believe.

supplies: a litter box,bedding,chew toy's,water bottle,a food dish,hammock,tunnel etc.

you must let you're rat out in an escape proof room every night for at least an hour.

OH, by the way everything is the same for Guinea pig's except for the cage, but the cage price is usually around their.
Yes! Get rats! They do sit on your shoulder. You need to get two, though. Or more. Yup. The cost for a month...hmm... R.80? Yup. 80 rand. In south Africa.
Yes. They will make good pets. they can walk on a leash,swim in your tub,poop(not to much), love to be held, and more! here is a picture of my rats in the bath:;friendID=49997985%26amp;albumID=2793685%26amp;imageID=56993645 :)
my friend had rats

i didnt like them cuz their tails...but they do sit on your sholder and if my friend ever lost them in tthe house shed shake a box of cheerios and ud hear them running from somewhere in the house and thed come right up and wait for cherrios :) they were really cute
Yes, we have 2...awesome pets...ours never ever bite...Yup, they sit right on shoulders and they cost like nothing to keep (they eat table scraps)....and they are VERY smart...but I feel females are better...their pee doesn't smell anywhere near as bad as the male rats do...You should get 2 (they are social animals, one would be lonely)
Yes rats make great pets! Some rats bite but they are easily trainded. You can train to do many things inculiding siting in you shoulder. I have never ha rats but neighbor had 5. They would probably cost about as much as a hamster. Good luck!
get two males...they make awesome pets !
Not to be mean, but didn't you just ask a question saying you're from France and that you don't speak any English?
all yes! Exspet they dont bite a lot lol!
rats are like mini dogs but better- you can train them, teach them tricks, teach them their name, and they can ride on your shoulder but it takes a while for them to get used to it. you can even train them to use a litter box thingy so you dont have to clean the cage as much. and i suggest getting 2 because if u only get one it needs ALOT of attention or else it would get depressed and not eat. if u get two they dont need as much attention and in case you get bored with them you wont have to give it very much attention. if you get two get them from the same litter. if you get the from different litters, they cant be in the same cage right away because they will fight and might spread illnesses. let them see each other through their cages but dont put the cages close together because they could probably fight through the cage bars. then after about a week put vanilla extract on them so they cant smell each other and let them play. it might look like they are fighting but as long as there isnt blood its okay. so clean the cage really good before putting them in. a young rat and an adult is best.

rats cost-$6-$12

cage-$100 or a large aquarium-$30



toys, chew sticks etc- $10

so it will cost $60-$135 when u first get it and about $6 per month because u will probably need a bag of food every month and $7 for bedding every 2 months or so. and once in a while they will chew up their toys so u will need to buy new ones

yes sometimes they bite but usually its really light and it doesnt hurt. they just have to get used to you. and before they really trust you they will bite when you put your finger in their cage.

these are good rat cages…

but dont get the den, playpen, or the cubbyhole because those are too small. i would suggest the lodge if you are only getting one rat or the tower, skyscraper, or ruud if u are getting two rats.

this is another good cage…

or just a big aquarium will work
In my opinion, hamster is a good pet you can just feed them with sunflower seeds, unlike other rats they will bite you if you touch them.
Try a gunipig they make very good pet and live long
Rats are gross!
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