Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Why does the Education System teach students to be rats?

Kids tattle-tale, kids get rewarded for it.

Schools teach kids to turn their fellow neighbor, OR EVEN PARENT, over the the POLICE, and they get REWARDED for it!!!

Why do public schools teach kids to rat?Why does the Education System teach students to be rats?
I don't know what you've heard, but I don't reward my students for tattling, and neither do most teachers I know.

It's different when the students are telling me about a serious problem. Things like violence, drugs, etc. need to be brought to an adult's attention immediately. The reason is that kids can't do anything about it themselves, so they need to tell a responsible adult about the problem.Why does the Education System teach students to be rats?
Why do you commit crime? Why do you break the rules. Someone needs to stand up against you or anarchy will reign. I, for one, do not wish for our country to be overrun by thoughtless, gutless bullies like yourself. I will stop you.
I am not sure if I have an answer for you, but I think alot of it is, I think they try to get the kids to do it because they adults don't want to do it themselves, so, get a student to do, some innocent kid that really doesn't know any better. Also, this whole world has gone to hell.

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