Sunday, February 7, 2010

How often do rats normally sleep?

My rat chico is bout 8 months old. When we first got him, he slept alot cause he was a baby. then it seemed like he stayed up a lil more. but in the last week he seems to sleeping more than usual. should i be worried? he isnt dying is he? could it because winter is coming? Please let me know.How often do rats normally sleep?
I don't have an answer based on fact, however my pet rat sleeps most of the day, and is up most of the night. Just want to add that people have the wrong perception of rats. They can make wonderful pets. The one I have is very affectionate and fun to play with. I usually take him out in the early evening.How often do rats normally sleep?
Yes, it could be because winter is coming. Or he's just tired. Ras/rodents sleep a lot. When I had a rat And a hamster they tend to sleep more than half the day. Make sure it isn't just sitting there and sleeping for the whole day then something is wrong and I suggest you take your rats to a vet just to be sure.

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